CLC Support Statement for the Restoration of Child-Labor Funding

Child Labor Coalition Statement in Support of the Restoration of

Funding for US Department of Labor’s ILAB Child-Labor Programs


The Child Labor Coalition, whose members include the following 35 groups, representing millions of Americans, supports the continued full funding and operation of the Department of Labor’s child labor programs, operated through ILAB (International Labor Affairs Bureau).

We find these invaluable programs to be a critical tool in the fight against child labor, child trafficking, and child slavery and believe they have played a significant role in the reduction of child labor by one-third—over 60 million children—since 2001.

Additional supporters follow this list of CLC members:

American Federation of Teachers

Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs

      Bank Information Center

Beyond Borders


Communications Workers of America

Farmworker Justice

First Focus Campaign for Children

Free the Slaves

Global Campaign for Education—US

Global Fairness Initiative


Human Rights Watch

Injury Control Research Center, West Virginia University

International Brotherhood of Teamsters

International Initiative to End Child Labor

International Labor Rights Forum

Media Voices for Children

Migrant Legal Action Program

National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education

National Consumers League

National Education Association

National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association

The Ramsay Merriam Fund

Save the Children

Solidarity Center, AFL-CIO

United States Fund for UNICEF

United Food and Commercial Workers International Union

United Methodist Church, Board of Church and Society

United Methodist Women

United Mine Workers of America

Walden Asset Management

A World at School

Winrock International

World Vision


Additional organizational endorsements in support of restoring ILAB funding:

The Association for Childhood Education International

GlobalGirl Media

Rukmini Foundation

School Girls Unite

Youth Activism Project