Child Soldiers

New Report on Children and Armed Conflict — The Use of Child Soldiers

Children forced to become soldiers suffer PTSD, endure distressing training and initiations,

Ending the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers

By Katarzyna Rybarczyk Around the world children as young as ten years old fight in armed

10 Facts about Child Soldiers…

How do you define a ‘child soldier’? The UN Convention on the Rights of a Child (1990) defined

Today is the Day to Think about the Plight of the World’s 300,000 Child Soldiers

Today is an important day if you care about the welfare of children. Advocates have named February

Human Rights Watch’s Jo Becker: The U.S. Can Do More to Keep Children Off the Battlefield

[This blog originally appeared on the Huffington Post on 10/04/2012] President Barack Obama

President Issues Child Soldier Waivers

The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release September 28, 2012 Presidential

Burma/Myanmar Releases 42 Child Soldiers, Vows to End Practice

September 05, 2012 [from Voice of America] The Burmese military has released 42 child soldiers from

SEC Adopts Reporting Rule to Help with Human Rights Issues Concerning Conflict Minerals

The primary mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is to protect investors from

Sudan’s Lost Boys: Our Hopes for a New Country

When South Sudan was created as an independent country in July, it offered a new hope and