Africa & Child Labor
Four in 10 African children work. There are an estimated 80 million child workers in Africa and the number is growing.
Four in 10 African children work. There are an estimated 80 million child workers in Africa and the number is growing.
India is home to one-fifth of the world’s child population.
The number of every 20 children born in Somalia and Liberia that have their birth registered:
One [According to the United Nations, ‘without a birth certificate, youngsters are more vulnerable to sexual exploitation, trafficking, and illegal adoption.”]
Asia and the Pacific still has the largest numbers–almost 78 million or 9.3% of child population, but Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region with the highest incidence of child labor–59 million, over 21%).
Source: ILO
The average cost of a human slave around the world today:
The number of human slaves around the world:
27 million
[source: Free the Slaves, 2010]
The number of child laborers in the world:
215 million
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