Changes to USDOL’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor by Country (2012)
Among the changes in this year’s 2012 update, the U.S. Department of Labor’s List of Good Produced by Child Labor by Country:
[Product by country]
Afghanistan Coal
Bolivia Bricks
Bolivia Corn
Brazil Beef
Brazil Cashews
Cambodia Fish
Dominican Rep. Baked Goods
Ghana Fish
India Thread/Yarn
Indonesia Fish
Madagascar Stones
Paraguay Bricks
Paraguay Sugarcane
Peru Fish
Philippines Fish
Sierra Leone Cocoa
Sierra Leone Coffee
Sierra Leone Oil (Palm)
South Sudan Cattle
Suriname Gold
Uganda Fish
Vietnam Bricks
New countries added to the 2012 list:
South Sudan, Suriname, and Vietnam.
New goods added to the 2012 list:
Baked goods, beef, fish, and thread/yarn.
To link to full report of the U.S. Department of Labor’s List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor (2012) go here .