Tag Archive for: Strategy


Romeo Dallaire was in Vancouver on Remembrance Day to call Canadian youth to duty in the fight to eradicate child soldiers.

[Dallaire is a former Canadian senator and a a retired general, who tried to stop the Rwandan genocide. This article is from the Vancouver Sun and you can read the piece at their site by clicking here.]

Dallaire calls on youth to mobilize, eradicate use of child soldiers

Romeo Dallaire was in Vancouver on Remembrance Day to call Canadian youth to duty in the fight to eradicate child soldiers.

By Vancouver SunNovember 12, 2010

Romeo Dallaire was in Vancouver on Remembrance Day to call Canadian youth to duty in the fight to eradicate child soldiers.

“Go and get your boots dirty,” he said. “Be part of the solution.”

It is young people, he believes, who can mobilize through social networks to save children who are being forced into combat in developing countries.

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