Fast Facts

1883: NY Labor Movement on Child Labor in the Tenements

The New York labor movement, under the leadership of Samuel Gompers, attempts to end child labor in

Progress in Two Areas

The ILO reports that in the four-year period ending in 2008, the number of child laborers among 5-

1892: Child Labor Plank Adopted by Democratic Party

The Democratic Party adopts a plank in their platform, which recommends banning factory employment

1899: National Consumer’s League’s “White Label” Campaign

The National Consumers’ League under the leadership of Florence Kelley launches its “white

1901: Juvenile Protective Association Founded

Jane Addams founds the Juvenile Protective Association to advocate against racism, child labor,

1903: Mother Jones Leads “Children’s Crusade”

Mother Jones organizes working children in the “Children’s Crusade,” a march from

1904: National Child Labor Committee Formed

The National Child Labor Committee is formed with the goal of abolishing all child

1908: Muller v. Oregon

In the case of Muller v. Oregon the U.S. Supreme Court upholds the right of states to limit the

1912: Children’s Bureau Founded

The U.S. Children’s Bureau is founded with Julia Lathrop as its first head. The organization is