Youth Employment

NCL’s 2016 Five Most Dangerous Jobs For Teens

The National Consumers League’s annual guide to help working teens stay safe in the workplace

Conclusion of “The Five Most Dangerous Jobs for Teens” report and a final note

 One hundred years ago, 100 workers died each day in America. Today, that number—with a U.S.

Recommendations to Protect Teens at Work

 What can employers do to make teen work safer? Employers must comply with child labor laws,

Another teen job to avoid: Jobs that present an elevated risk of violence

According to findings from the 2013 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, violence accounted for

Another dangerous teen work activity: Driving

The most common way for a teen worker to die is in a traffic accident. In 2010, 32,708

Another dangerous teen work place: Lumber mills and lumber yards

A study in the American Journal of Health and Behavior noted that that 51 percent of surveyed teens

Another dangerous teen job: Meatpacking

In addition to the five most dangerous jobs that teens are legally allowed to perform, NCL warns

Another potentially dangerous teen work place: Restaurants, grocery stores, and retail stores

In terms of raw numbers, retail establishments, restaurants, and grocery stores are three of the

Another dangerous teen job: Driver/operator, forklifts, tractors, and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs)

Forklifts, tractors, and all-terrain vehicles (ATV) pose dangers for many young workers. NCL has