News & Resources

Africa & Child Labor

Four in 10 African children work. There are an estimated 80 million child workers in Africa and the


India is home to one-fifth of the world’s child

Birth Registration

The number of every 20 children born in Somalia and Liberia that have their birth registered: One

Where is Child Labor Most Rampant?

Asia and the Pacific still has the largest numbers–almost 78 million or 9.3% of child


The average cost of a human slave around the world today:

Trafficking in the U.S.

The estimated number of slaves trafficked into the U.S. each year:


The number of human slaves around the world: 27 million [source: Free the Slaves,

Child Labor Around the World

The number of child laborers in the world: 215

More nations sign UN initiative to end use of child soldiers

More nations sign UN initiative to end use of child soldiers - New York, Sept 29 : Eleven new